Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)

DAILY PRESS, Newport News, July 7, 19S1 12 CHILD CARE By MILTON I. LEVINE. M.D. and JEAN H. SEL1UMANN HOLLYWOOD BEAUTY Myner Hair-Complexion 1 i 1 1k i fur my complexion.

Once when my face broke out from an allergy reaction I slept with yogurt on it. In three days my skin was clear again." For your copies of Leaflet M-76, "What Every Woman Should Know About Cosmetics" and Leaflet M-ffT, "What Every Woman Should Know About Her Hair," send 10 cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope toXydla Lantyilnlly. wood Beauty, in care of the Daily Press. Newport News, Va. Ann Dobie Peebles To Be Guest At Coffee Miss Ann Dohie Feeble of Carson, immediate past president ol the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs, will be honored Suturday morning at a coffee given by Mrs.

Edwin C. Kilgore and Mr. Lloyd It. Amory Jr. of Hampton.

The affair will be held at the Chamberlin Hotel, with guests calling between the hours of 11 a. rn. and 1 in the afternoon. Miss Peebles currently is serving us director of the division of the Hiirrison-Godwin-Button ticket. She is a member of the State School Doard Assistance Authority and was a judgt in tho Miss Virginia pageant, held recently in Roanoke.

She is active in civic, church and educational fields and runs a real estHte business. Miss Peebles inaugurated as a state project of the VFWC fund raising for the Maxitron X-ray mnchine used in the treatment of leukemia and relative diseases. The Maxitron was installed during lo at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond. Mrs. Amory Is junior director of junior women's clubs for the VFWC Tidewater District, and Mrs.

Kilgore, a member of the Hampton City Council and Woman's Club of Hampton, is a past president of the Junior Woman's Club of Hampton and Peninsula Presidents' Council of Women's Clubs. She also has held several offices in the VFWC. Miss Peebles. Mrs. Kilgore and Mrs.

Amory have been closely associated in women's club work for a number years. Miss Peebles and Mrs. Kilgore were classmates at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg. Invitations to the coffee have been issued to the Hampton Federation of Parents and Teachers. Credit Women's Breakfast Club of Hampton, Hampton Chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution and United Daughters of the Confederacy, senior and junior women's clubs of Hampton, Phoebus, Buckroe Beach and Wythe and the Cavalier, Colonial Place, East Hampton, Fox Hill and Northampton Women's Clubs.

Mrs. Kilgore and Mrs. Amory will be assisted bv Mrs. Marvin L. Amory, Mrs.

William P. Hunt and Mrs. Eldon James, who will preside at the coffee tables. 4- 7 iimi ii.r iy' (Q) "My son, who will be 4 1 years old in September, was born with a serious congenital heart disease. Before it coujd be corrected he suffered severe brain damage.

He may live to be 15, but he will be completely bed-ridden and will never speak. In January we committed him to a training school and hospital for retarded children. This de- cision was reached mainly because of my health and for the sake of the family and future children. We visit my son once a month; he and the other children at the nursery are clean and seem to be very content and happy. The at-'tendants seem to care very much for these sick children, but my son has lost a lot of weight since being admitted.

If I knew this was -because of the adjustment I could understand it, but I wonder if he is properly fed. The doctors say they will look into it. Sometimes I am very worried and feel guilty." Mrs. C. P.

(A) Every mother or father who sends a child away to an institution feels a certain amount of guilt no matter how good the institution is or how well the child is doing. Actually, a parent would have to be completely without feeling if he or she did not experience some such emotions. You are most fortunate that your son is in an institution where he receives good care. We certainly would 1 not recommend that every retarded or brain-injured child be sent to an institution; but in of the commonest mistakes in dyeing or bleaching hair is hot reading the directions carefully enough." Jody Warner told me when we met for lunch he other day. "If you go in for, color changes, as I do.

you want to keep your hair the same shade, and in order to do it. you have to know hoy long to leave the tint on. So the first time you tint it, you should keep an accurate count of the time from when you apply it to when you wash it out. "You should take tests, too. Some people need to apply a small amount of the dye on the inside of their arms to make sure that they are not allergic to it.

Then after making this patch test, which should be left on overnight, you will be sure that the dye will not make your scalp break out. "Other things that you have to take into consideration are your physical condition and the weather conditions: If you are not feeling well, or if you are awfully tired, your hair will reflect it. And your hair is also affected by hot, dry or rainy weather. "I like to do my own making up. I pretend my face is a canvas and that my mouth and eyes are the picture I'm preparing to paint.

I like to do my mouth and eyes in different ways. It has helped me get parts," and I can recommend it for anyone who gets bored with herself and wants to look different." "What is your favorite beauty June Graduate Guest At Party Mrs. E. B. While at her home on Bote-toute Road.

Warwick-on- thc-James, Newport News, at a morning party for Miss Susan Davis, who was graduated in June from St. a rine's School, Richmond. Among the guests was Mi.ss Maria Goodwin Williams of Norfolk, a house guest of-Miss Davis, who also was graduated in June from St. Catherine's School. MK MRS.

BRADFORD K. SPEIGHT Miss Anda Mae Ransones Nuptials Held In Germany Miss Anda Mae Uansone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ransone of Hampton Roads Hampton, was married JODY WARNER N.C.

Briefs half will visit other Latin American countries. Miss Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant S. Anderson, is like to eat it once a day, and I use it several times a week routine?" I asked in parting.

"Yogurt;" Jody confessed. "I 0. to president of her school's Red MOTEL PLANNED CHARLOTTE (LTD Backers Cross Club. APPOINTMENTS MADE of a million dollar motel hope to Prices Climb MEXICO CITY (AP) Fears that recent heavy rains hurt tomato producing areas drove tomato prices up from about 5 cents a pound to as high as 40 cents a pound on Mexican markets this week. Officials said no crops had been lost so far due to rains and the price was too high even for imported tomatoes.

1 begin construction on the building within two weeks and have it in Over 900 million books, with a sales value of $1.1 billion, were sold in 1960. U.S. book publishers, in order to whet the literary appetites of the reading public, invested $11.4 million in national newspaper advertisin! last year. Sentenced To Die MANILA (AP)-Five Filipino Moslems -vere sentenced to death Thursday tor the ransom-kidnaping of a wealthy copra dealer in Jolo last year. RALEIGH (UPD-One member of the state board of higher edu operation by early 1962.

Col. Howard Wright, who oper cation was re-appointed Thursday by Gov. Terry Sanford, and one ates the Pecan Grove Supper Club, said the motel. Pecan Grove new member was appointed. Re-appointed was State Sen.

Bradford K. Speight, son of William W. Speight, Little Farms Hampton, and Mrs. W. E.

Stooks, Warden Hampton, in a double-ring ceremony performed in Stuttgart, Germany, at the Kellcy Barracks Post Chapel by Chaplain Lisle Bartholomew, Seventh U. S. Army Corps Chaplain, June 28. Lt. Col.

William F. Ladson, Seventh Corps Engineer Section, gave the bride away. Major Robert G. Swan, Seventh Corps Engineer Section, was best man. Mrs.

Charles Sheckler, wife of Major Sheckler. also of the Seventh Corps Engineer Section, was matron of honor. Prior to the wedding here, Mr. and Mrs. Speight were united in a civil ceremony held in the Stuttgart City Hall as prescribed by German law.

They are on a wedding trip to the U. S. Armed Forces Recreation Center in Garmisch. Mr. and Mrs.

Speight will make their home near Stuttgart, Germany, until Mr. Speight completes his overseas tour of duty early next June. Cabana, would be constructed on Elton of Pasquotank a 19-aere site facing U. S. 29 north of the city limits.

It will cost more than $1 million and 168 County. The new appointee was Charles Reeves of Sanford. Reeves has been a member of the State Bank rooms. Wright said construction of the motel will climax three years of planning. The large tract of land will provide space to enlarge the ing Commission but his term has expired.

NEW MAYOR WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH (LTD some instances it is much better for the youngster and the family for the child to be placed under good institutional care. At your son's age, a specialized institution can do much more than you could at home in treating a brain-injured, bed-ridden youngster who presents a 24-hour problem. His loss of weight, may have been due to the adjustment period or perhaps a change in food, or he may have had some temporary respiratory, or intestinal upset. Continue to keep in touch with his physicians to see how he is doing. And there is no reason why you should not have other children to whom you can give yourself fully and experience the happiness, of watching them develop as they grow up.

Your problems about your children will be answered through this column. Write Child Care in care of the Daily Press, Newport News, Va. Lawrence Rose has been elect ed mayor of Wrightsville Beach loo and Robert Williams was named Williamsburg Society mayor pro tern of the resort town by the Board of Aldermen at its annual reorganization meeting to motel to more than 1,000 rooms. SPEAKERS NAMED LAKE JUXALUSKA (UPI-Dr. Donald M.

Maynard, professor of religious education at Boston University School of Theology, and Dr. Albert Dale Hagler, pastor of the First Methodist Church, West Palm Beach, will address the Southeastern Jurisdictional Family Life Conference July 13-16. The conference, sponsored by the Southeastern Jurisdictional Council and the Woman's Society of Christian Service, will be di day. From Williamsburg they will go to New York and then back to Missouri. Mr.

and Mrs. James A. Stev-ens had as guests, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

T. Pitts, from Columbia. S. C. Mr.

and Mrs. R. A. Duncan, 200 Indian Springs Road, had as guests Mrs. Duncans sister, Mrs.

C. R. Netherland, of Wakefield. TAKES POST I WILMINGTON (UPD Charles: T. Anderson has been named ad David- Noake, West Point Military Academy, New York, is visiting at the home of Miss Becky Fudge and family of Skipwith Farms, Williamsburg.

ministrator at Wilmington Community Hospital succeeding Paul rteese who has resigned to take a post at Providence Hospital, Bal rected by the Rev. Leon Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Populan timore. pastor of Park Street Methodist and daughters, Vickie and Don Anaerson a completed a Church, Atlanta.

na, of Waterburg, were year's residency in hospital ad Bishop Roy II. Short of Nash guests of Jack Populan of 500-A ville, also attend the ministration at Brewster Methodist Hospital in Jacksonville, and has a master's degree from Ludweli Williamsburg. conference The Green Springs Garden the University of Pittsburgh. Club affiliates will meet with Mrs. D.

E. Anderton July 1 BOUND OVER BURGAW (UPD-Judge Kinch- Mrs. Robert C. Walker will speak oh centerpieces for the SCOTLAND BOUND CHARLOTTE (LTD Donald MacDonald, reporter for the Charlotte News for the past 13 years, quit Thursday to go to the home of his ancestors. MacDonald, who has actively promoted the highland games at en Powers of Burgaw recorder's court Thursday bound five Wil dinner table.

mington men over to Superior Court on charges of trespassing May wt suggest you have Mr. Leon Browusou on state lands. Mr. and Mrs. R.

L. Crull, 104 Thomas Nelson Lane, had as' guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Matheny and daughters, Lisa The five men, all Negroes, were mi; SHAW'S mtsnmi and Dana, of Independence, Mo. arrested May 1 and 2 by State Forestry officials in the Holly Shelter Preserve near here.

The men were attempting to reach lands in the shelter claimed by Grandfather Mountain, will go to Scotland, where he plans to work for the paper in Edinburgh. JOINS TOUR CHARLOTTE (UPD Carol Anderson, 17, a senior at Myers Park High School, left Thursday Our North Carolina school of public health this month. The DeDartment of Public Harvey Jones. Jones and two Health Nursing will sponsor the! Magic four-week course Special Fields! pther Pender County men were bound over on similar charges- a week ago. to join 25 other American teen in Public Health Nursing." agers on a tour of South America.

Its purpose is to meet the needs I The tour group, sponsored by of public health workers who' must keep up with the new and changing medical and scientific: V- HEALTH MEET CHAPEL HILL (UPD Some 250 public health nurses and other public health personnel are expected to attend the annual summer course at the University of the American Red Cross, will split up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Half of the group will visit Chile where the Red Cross developed strong ties during recent earthquake disasters, and the other knowledge to treat the increasing, number of persons with long term illnesses. Pavmst vt Man with Far Show You That $2 weekly orSW monthly I fl- jT 6-Diamond Bridal Set g-i 100 Constant remind "Miu Simplicity" twaofy thaft aNoayt in ttyU Jvotion at a surprisingly $2 wtk thrifty price. ttMwrid a litatim. jj ft aaa" flu hemodemm; J- Reductions up to 45! Dozens and dozens of selected styles but not every size in every style Shop early for best selections! Man Radiant Star Diamond S-Diamond Wedding Band mo Sparkling bvauty to malio her dreamt come thrillingly true eoiy to own.

Fiery symbol of succaa in mouiv moKulin mounting for a I. P. A Year to Pay A Year to fay GIRLS' SHOES Were 2.99 to 4.99 WOMEN'S SHOES Were 2.99 to 6.99 now J87to are in otl cvs Mr. Brownson will be in "Nochman's" oil day Friday and Saturday with CANVAS MODELS of 1961-1962 FUR STYLES. NOW J87 and 287 BOYS' SHOES Were 3.99 to 6.99 MEN'S SHOES Were 7.99 to 9.99 A ii to.

li 17-Dlamond Princess Ring now g88 and g88 now 288 TO .88 Men's "Take-It-Eftsy" casual! now only 2M to 5.SS. Men's socks, women's hose, handbags and slippers ls reduced! y0 1 6-Diamond Heart Pendant A Romantic crtotion for yovr oil II on-ondnly in precious Romantic cuotion for your on-ondnly in precious 14-karcrt gold. 100 Oelirihtful gift to mark any memorable occasion at terrific price. tmy terms Have him show you how to put your older style furs to good use FOR os LITTLE as 59.98 He has produced superbly satisfactory creations for hundreds of our customers end your friends. Bring your coot in with you for Mr.

Brownson to discuss the most flattering style. 2t)eefc Tr-ai r'X- IM 2811 WASHINGTON AVE. Opto toiiiKht until 9 P.M. Warwick Newmarket S. C.

Hampton Highway Family Shoe Center On N. Armisfead, Sinclair Circle (next to Robert Hall) 0' Diamonds enlorged to shew deteit Z. ANY j.t,i. the Newport News: Men's Boys' Shoes: 2911 Washington Ave..

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


Who owns the Daily Press in Newport News VA? ›

The Daily Press is a 90,000 circulation, all-color newspaper owned by the Tribune Company.

What is the local newspaper for Newport News, Virginia? ›

Daily Press Newport News, Va.

How do I contact Daily Press Virginia? ›

Contact us at 757-247-4730 or tips@dailypress.com. Need help with your subscription? Contact customer service at customerservice@dailypress.com.

What is the largest newspaper in Virginia? ›

The Virginian-Pilot is the daily newspaper for Hampton Roads, Virginia. Commonly known as The Pilot, it is Virginia's largest daily. It serves the five cities of South Hampton Roads as well as several smaller towns across southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina.

Who is the CEO of the Daily Press? ›

Wayne Knight

Personal Note: 24 years as CEO & Executive Chairman of the Daily Press Group.

Who is famous from Newport News Virginia? ›

7 Famous People From Newport News VA
  • Ella Fitzgerald. No less than the Queen of Jazz and the First Lady of Song was born in Newport News on April 25, 1917. ...
  • William Styron. ...
  • Richard Kelly. ...
  • Michael and Marcus Vick. ...
  • Hazel R. ...
  • Robert Cray. ...
  • About Holcomb Law, PC.

What is Newport News known for? ›

Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, established in 1886, built many of the U.S. super aircraft carriers including the Enterprise, Kennedy, Washington, Vinson, and Roosevelt. Newport News was designated as a Port of Embarkation by the U.S. Army immediately after America's entry into WWI.

Where is the Daily Press published? ›

The Daily Press Inc. is a daily morning newspaper published in Newport News, Virginia, which covers the lower and middle Peninsula of Tidewater Virginia.

Why is Newport News so called? ›

Newport News was named for Christopher Newport, captain of the Susan Constant, the lead ship of the 3-ship fleet that carried the Jamestown settlers to the New World in 1607. Captain Newport made several more trips between the New World and England.

How do I get in contact with press? ›

Send a press release

There will be times when it's worth sending a press release to all of your local media contacts. A press release is a written statement which you send to journalists with some new information and a quote from your spokesperson in it, which the reporter will then use to write into a news story.

How do I contact the press and journal? ›

Editorial contacts

Live News: Derry Alldritt livenews@pressandjournal.co.uk 01224 343311.

How do I place an obituary in Daily Press Newport news VA? ›

Submit an obituary. Phone for help: 757-247-4700. Send a letter to the editor: email letters@dailypress.com.

What newspapers are black owned in Virginia? ›

Notable African American newspapers in Virginia today include the New Journal and Guide, Roanoke Tribune, and Richmond Free Press.

What is the oldest newspaper in Virginia? ›

Virginia's earliest newspaper, the Virginia Gazette, was first published in Williamsburg in 1736. Other towns began publishing local newspapers in the 1780s and 1790s.

How wide is Newport news VA? ›

The City of Newport News is located on the southeast side of the Virginia Peninsula encompassing 69 square miles. The city extends from where the James River meets the Chesapeake Bay northwest for 25 miles along the James River. The city, at its widest point, is only 7 miles wide.

Who owns the Newport Daily News? ›

Sherman Publishing

The Independent, formerly based in Wakefield, now shares office space with the Newport Daily News and Mercury in Newport. All of Sherman Publishing's publications were purchased by Gatehouse Media, which also owns The Providence Journal, in November 2017.

Who is the Daily News owned by? ›

The Daily News is owned by parent company Tribune Publishing. This company was acquired by Alden Global Capital, which operates its media properties through Digital First Media, in May 2021.

Who is the Associated Press owned by? ›

The AP is a non-profit cooperative owned by the newspapers, radio and Television stations who share its news stories. Most articles are written by staff members belonging to the Newspaper Guild Union, a part of the AFL-CIO. Many news organizations that are not members pay a fee to use the stories.

Who owns the Virginian Pilot newspaper? ›

Tribune Publishing shareholders voted Friday to approve hedge fund Alden Global Capital's $633 million purchase of the Chicago-based newspaper chain. Tribune owns both The Virginian-Pilot and Daily Press, as well as the Virginia Gazette of Williamsburg and the Tidewater Review of West Point.


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.